The Better Choice: Ruby on Rails vs Python

PIs there a better one? It all depends on what you want to achieve with the process of programming. The desired results of programming can be achieved through both frameworks. If you plan to build web

Brief on Ruby on Rails

RoR is mainly object-oriented and open source software. Ruby’s philosophy has mainly been rooted in supremacy and sophistication. The practitioners believe a language’s code must always cause as little confusion as possible for developers. Moreover, Ruby takes the OOP concept to its greatest limit. Some of the well-known Ruby on Rails development applications is Zendesk, GitHub and Shopify.

Brief on Python

Python is a high-level programming language which includes dynamic semantics mainly for web and app development. It offers dynamic typing and binding options. It is simple to learn as it needs syntax which caters to readability. Python is conventional by nature and believes there is only one best approach to do a specific thing, and language should embrace the best way. Some of the famous Python web programming websites are YouTube and Google.


  • They are accessible under OSI and FSF approved licenses and hence are free to use.

  • They are cross-platform, which easily helps for distributed teams where individuals might use Windows or Linux on their computers.

  • Ruby and Python are high-level scripting languages and their programs do not need to be compiled.

  • Both the languages are dynamically typed, which means you can use a variable without declaring it first.

  • They also support object-oriented programming (OOP) out of the box.


Python developers are a much larger and diverse community compared to Ruby. Both languages seem similar but are very different in their approaches to solving issues. Ruby’s main focus is sophistication while Python focuses on readability.

In terms of flexibility, Ruby has inherited Perl’s philosophy, “There’s more than one way to do it.” In other words, there are various ways to achieve a task in Ruby while in Python simplicity has more value than complexity.

Python web development approach is more direct to programming wherein the main goal is to create complete awareness to the programmer while Ruby enables programmers to flexibly work to create a sophisticated web framework.

Reusable codes are available; Python calls them “modules” which are accessible via PyPI where you can have access to more than 150,000 modules. In Ruby they are known as “gems’ and they too have about 150,000 gems. The only difference is of filtering which is offered in PyPI for Python modules.

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